Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Drug testing high school athletes free essay sample

Anabolic steroids are dangerous and deadly even when used within certain guidelines; therefore, use of anabolic steroids should be universally illegal, and high school- aged athletes should be tested to discourage their steroids to artificially enhance performance. Steroids are a group of compounds derived from testosterone or produced unnaturally to stimulate tissue repair and body growth. Steroids are commercially available in several forms including tablets, injectables, and power forms. Steroids are prescription drugs for the treatment of diverse diseases including anemia, breast cancer, and muscle wasting conditions occurring with diseases like cancer and AIDS or due to surgery. There are many possible side effects in both men and women who take anabolic steroids like, acne, baldness, Heart attack, Stroke, High blood pressure, Testicles decrease in size, Moods that swing from one extreme to the other, Feeling invincible, and many more side effects. Steroids, however, are more popular nowadays among non-medical users, Steroids are used to enhance appearance and strength by virtually all segments of society – athletes and non-athletes, young and adults, males and females. We will write a custom essay sample on Drug testing high school athletes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In sports, steroids are considered illegal compounds and if an athlete is tested positive for steroids he or she can be banned for life from his sport discipline. Yet despite the sanctions, some athletes still use steroids to improve their athletic performance. Steroids are used by athletes because these drugs make one bigger, faster and stronger. Steroids are the most popular among athletes who are weightlifting, bodybuilding, football, hockey, track and field, cycling and swimming. Every year more high school athletes are experimenting with steroids to enhance their performance without putting out much work. For example a hockey player, who went to my high schools rival. Took steroids hastily his senior year. During his senior year they helped him become stronger and more athletic, but it almost destroyed him when he had a heart attack after coming back from a workout, at the age of 18. Steroid testing should be implemented in school because steroids have ruined sports, harmed many people’s health, and made it harder for those that do play by the rules. Athletes who are naturally faster, stronger and more resilient than the rest of the athletes are being overlooked by professional coaching staffs because those on steroids look more in shape at such a young age. Steroids in high school sports have become a problem that has grown every year and is making a big change in sports such as football, basketball, track, baseball, and many more sports. High school athletes are starting to experiment with the drug much more than in the past, and it is really starting to change the face of sports. All across the nation, high school athletes have worked hard to develop their natural talents. It is so unfair for these honest, hard working student athletes to have scholarship money not offered and a chance to play at a college or university is taken away by someone who has taken steroids and is much bigger, faster, and stronger.

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